Children are often fearful of going to the dentist, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If your little one is resisting dental care, there are steps you can take to ensure as smooth an experience as possible. Try these tactics to prepare your bub for children’s dentistry in Melbourne.
Remain Calm and Encouraging
Your child will likely take cues from you regarding how to react to visiting the dentist. If you are stressed and anxious about the visit, your child probably will be too. On the other hand, if you are able to maintain a positive attitude, it can rub off on your child. Try to focus on the positive aspects of going to the dentist, like having clean, healthy teeth, rather than on potential negatives like discomfort.
Model Good Dental Behaviour
Children learn how to behave from watching their parents, so do your best to keep up with your own regular dental appointments. Be sure to share your experience with your child as much as possible. While it may not always be feasible to bring your child along to your appointments, take the time to discuss the experience with them afterwards, again focussing on the positives. Seeing that it is no big deal for mum or dad to visit the dentist can help assuage any worries your little one might have.
Role-Play Dental Visits
It is often the fear of the unknown that causes children to worry, so one of the best ways to get your little one comfortable with children’s dentistry in Melbourne is to role-play the experience. Have your child give you a practice dental exam or perform one on them. The more you can make it like a game, the better. If your child resists, don’t push it as this can make the situation worse. Simply come back and try again later.
Remind Them of Rewards
In many cases, children’s dentists in Melbourne will provide stickers, small toys, or other treats to reward children for good behaviour during their appointments. If your little one is reluctant to go, a reminder of the reward that might be in store at the end of the visit, can sometimes be enough to encourage them to go. You can provide your own rewards as well, such as a visit to a favourite park or playground to give your child something to look forward to after the appointment. Of course, try to avoid sugary treats as rewards as this can undo the benefits of visiting the dentist in the first place.
Book Your Child’s Next Appointment with Us
For children’s dentistry in Melbourne, you can count on Holistic Dental Melbourne CBD. Our experienced children’s dentists do everything possible to help your little one feel comfortable and relaxed from the moment you walk through our doors. We strive to make the overall experience as positive as possible so your child will be excited to come back and see us again. Reach out to our office today to book an appointment.