Your little wonder may have gone from happy to irritable with no apparent reason. This may be a sign your baby is cutting their first tooth and you need some baby teething comfort tips.
Signs your Baby is Teething:
This is one of the easiest ways to tell your baby is cutting a tooth, if they are not overtired. If your baby has gone from happy to grumbling, restless and clingy then there may be a tooth on the way.
Swollen and/or red gums
As a tooth erupts and cuts through the gum-line, your baby’s gums may go from a nice pink to red and swollen.
Change in Eating Patterns
If your baby has swollen or irritated gums they may be off their food. Be conscious of what your child likes to eat during this time and adapt.
Drooling and Gnawing
An excess of saliva is usually produced when children are teething. Make sure you have a soft cloth for wiping the drool away that is not going to be abrasive on your child’s chin when used consistently. It is common that teething toddlers want to gnaw on things in their environment to help with cutting the tooth, including trying that cutting tooth on mum whilst still being breastfed.
Children Dentistry – 5 Tips for Teething Comfort
Here are 5 things you can do right now for teething comfort for your child.
Teething rings and Teething Toys
Providing a cool teething ring or teething toys for sore gums and an erupting tooth will provide relief for your child and allow them to gnaw on something safe and effective for sore and swollen gums. Some teething rings can be refrigerated and used to provide relief, are great for days out in the pram and easy to take for travel.
A Damp Cloth
The coolness of most options for teething is what children like. Providing a safe, soft damp cloth they can bite on may assist to comfort our child while teething
Teething Biscuits
Rusks are a popular way for parents and carers to assist a child when teething. Ensure the age appropriateness of this and always supervise when your child is chewing on a rusk.
Not to be underestimated; your child may be more clingy during teething. If your child needs more cuddles, be sure to administer an abundance as and when required.
Cold Foods
Similar to cold teething rings or a cool damp cloth, cold foods are more soothing and you may find your child is more inclined to eat when presented with cold foods.
What to avoid:
Many medications or over the counter remedies may seem like a good option but in some cases, there is no research to prove they work or are good for your child. If you have concerns then speak with your paediatrician.
Children’s Dentistry – How we can Help:
As providers of kids dentistry, we can provide the right advice for your children for their teeth and future oral care. Dentistry for kids needs to be handled delicately so they develop a healthy attitude toward caring for their teeth and a routine for healthy dental habits in the future.
We welcome you and your children to our Dental Clinic. Reach out to our office today to book an appointment.