Our values at Holistic Dental Melbourne cbd are never to judge you or treat you with disrespect. When it comes to cigarettes and your teeth, our role is to provide you with information on how to best care for your teeth.
If your oral health has deteriorated due to smoking and you find yourself in pain, then you may be in need of an emergency dentist in Melbourne.
Our location makes us ideal for those who need an emergency dentist in the Melbourne cbd area.
Smoking, Vaping and Non-smokers Comparison
There have been various studies conducted to show the potential dangers that smoking and vaping can have on your oral health.
Vaping uses e-cigarettes / JUULs / vape pens / pods / ENDS and a few other names that are trending over time. The key ingredients in vaping products are propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine and there are other ingredients that are not only unregulated but harmful and in some cases completely toxic and cancer causing. These harmful products are covered up with sweeteners, which appeals to a greater audience due to the pleasant flavour.
What’s critical to note, is that the consumption of nicotine products and vaping is damaging to your oral health. Indeed you may get to a point where you need an emergency dentist in Melbourne due to smoking causing a greater decline in your oral health.
A study conducted comparing the oral health of smokers, vapers and non-smokers showed that the ill effects of vaping are similar to that of cigarette smokers. It was also found that periodontal inflammation was greater in smokers and those using vaping products.
How does Smoking Affect your Teeth?
Those who do not smoke do have better oral health. Smoking can cause gum disease, bad breath, teeth staining, oral cancer, decay of roots, dry mouth and other dental problems depending on your personal circumstances.
What can a Smoker do?
You don’t want to be in a position where you need to call on an emergency dentist in Melbourne. In order to counter the impact of smoking, aside from giving up smoking, you’ll need to see our dentist for regular check-ups.
The ultimate goal for your oral health should be to give up smoking all together which is supported by study findings that oral health improved after giving up smoking.
While we can’t help you give up smoking, and we hope you do, we can recommend a dental maintenance plan that will keep you up to date with your oral health and on top of any dental treatments you may need. If you continue to smoke then you may require more dental treatments than someone who doesn’t.
Already given up smoking? Great! Book in for a check-up, clean and plan going forward to improve your dental health.