Started by the Australian Dental Association (ADA), Dental Health awareness week is on August 3 to August 9 and each year there is a theme. For 2021, the dental theme is ‘get sugar savvy’. As always, if you are concerned with your oral health, come and speak with our friendly dentists and get a dental check-up.
The aim of this dental health event is to raise awareness and educate the population on how to best look after their oral health and protect teeth.
Sugar and your Teeth
Sadly, sugar is in so many foods you buy off the shelf and is added unnecessarily as an ingredient. Too much sugar can have a devastating impact on your oral health as bacteria from food and drink that is not effectively removed from your mouth will use it to breed. This will cause oral health issues such as tooth decay and where oral issues are left untreated, gum disease.
What can you do to Limit your Sugar, get Sugar Savvy & Protect your teeth?
The recommended amount of sugar intake on a daily basis is 24 grams which is 6 teaspoons.
In order to limit your intake of sugar, it’s a great idea to get into the regular habit of checking the ingredients on the packs when you are shopping. You will be surprised just how many products add sugar. Choose an alternative product.
Here are ten great ideas for reducing your sugar intake to better protect your teeth:
1. Choose healthier options. Fruit and Vegetables are foods your body assimilates with and find it easier to digest.
2. Swap out one of your high sugar foods for food that has less sugar and then once you have adjusted to less sugar, swap the food again for a healthy option.
3. Remember that sugar is an addiction so you may want to ease off it slowly until you have adjusted.
4. Take cooking classes or choose some new recipes that have no sugar and make your own food. This is also rewarding when you are eating what you made.
5. Grow your own food.
6. Swap sugar in cooking for stevia or monk fruit and stevia combination products as these are not artificial and your teeth will be glad for the change.
7. Remove soft drink / soda and replace with full pulp fruit juice (and drink sparingly) or learn to drink soda. The best option is water.
8. Drink more water to counter the impact of sugar on your teeth.
9. Eat foods that encourage strong healthy teeth that do not contain sugar.
10. If you really must have that sugary treat, reduce it to one and have it just after your meal.
Sugar, your Oral Health and Dental Check-ups
No matter what you do, it’s always important to protect your teeth by following a regular dental routine.
This includes brushing your teeth regularly, flossing, drinking plenty of water and especially so after a meal to neutralise acid and encourage saliva production.
We encourage you to come in for a regular dental check-up at Holistic Dental Melbourne CBD so we can advise on the state of your oral health and how better to protect your teeth.