If you’re having oral surgery, chances are you’re a little anxious about the procedure. This is natural — surgery is a nerve-wracking experience for anyone. However, to help ease your anxiety, here are some ways to mentally prepare for your dental implants surgery in Melbourne.
1. Ask questions about dental implants
The more information you have about dental implants surgery, the less anxious you will feel. Some questions you should ask your dentist include:
=> Are dental implants right for me?
=> How much do dental implants cost?
=> What happens during the procedure?
=> How long does recovery take?
At Holistic Dental Melbourne CBD, we want to put you at ease, so we’re happy to talk through any concerns or queries you have. So, if you have any last-minute questions, please feel free to call the clinic for advice.
2. Follow pre-operative advice
We will advise if there’s anything you should do before dental implants surgery, such as stopping medications or when to have your last meal. Following these instructions, gives you something to focus on rather than the procedure itself, and it’ll help ensure the surgery goes as smoothly as possible.
3. Enjoy the day before your procedure
The day before surgery, try to relax. Distract your mind with fun activities such as:
=> eating your favourite foods
=> spending time with family
=> watching a movie
Focus on how good you’ll feel once the surgery is over, and you’ll feel less stressed about the procedure.
4. Preparation for after dental implants surgery
You’ll need to eat soft food after surgery, so stock up on foods that are easy to eat. Arrange for a friend or family member to help you get home after surgery, and schedule time off work so you can rest and recover.
With a plan in place, you can focus on caring for yourself.
5. Remember the benefits of dental implants
Finally, remember why you’re having dental implant surgery. Dental implants can improve your oral health, boost your self-confidence and keep your smile healthier and happier for longer — keeping these benefits in mind can ease your anxiety.
Dental implants Melbourne: Holistic Dental
Dental implants surgery may seem intimidating, but the experienced team at Holistic Dental Melbourne CBD will put you at ease. To learn more about how much dental implants cost or to book an appointment for dental implants in Melbourne, contact us.