We are pleased to see you are seeking to find foods to eat for better oral health. You may not be aware that your overall health is linked to your oral health so by taking care of yourself you will also be taking care of your teeth.
It’s not that difficult to take care of your oral health Melbourne has a large range of fresh fruit and vegetables available to promote good nutrition. It’s just a case of eating foods from the rainbow of colours to encompass a greater amount of nutrients.
The nutrients that will best help maintain your oral health are calcium, fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin A and vitamin D.
So what can you eat that will help your teeth stay strong and your dental hygiene in top condition?
Top 5 Foods to Eat for Oral Health
=> Leafy Greens
Lettuce, spinach, kale are just some examples of greens that are rich in many nutrients. You will find your leafy greens contain vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium, calcium.
=> Citrus Fruit
Whether it’s an orange, mandarin, lemons, grapefruit or lime; these contain Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant.
=> Crunchy and High Fibre Fruits and Vegetables
Apples, celery, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli (lightly steamed or raw in salads). Crunching on these is great for jaw function (jaw exercise). Add bananas and sweet potatoes and you’ll be getting a range of nutrients such as Vitamin C, carbohydrates, potassium, phytonutrients and fibre.
=> Strawberries
Loved for their aroma and flavour, strawberries are more than just a taste sensation. They are high in fibre, Vitamin C and antioxidants, contain potassium and are considered anti-inflammatory. Best home grown or organic to avoid chemical sprays.
=> Cranberries
Many dried cranberries use sugar sweetener, you can find these dried and sweetened with apple juice and no preservatives – just check the pack. These little gems have carbohydrates, B Vitamins, manganese, copper, Vitamin E, K1 and Vitamin C. These are a great addition to salads to get added nutrients to support your oral health or on a platter with a selection of fruits and vegetables.
Oral Health Melbourne Foods and Beverages
There are other foods and drinks you can add to the above top 5 foods for oral health for those living in Melbourne. If the food you want is not available, find an alternative that has similar nutrients.
These are other great foods to add :
Raw chocolate that is not sugar sweetened is high in antioxidants, nuts that are activated or not highly processed, Kiwi fruit, shiitake mushrooms, oatmeal, wholegrains and some dairy.
Green tea and black tea as beverages. (Avoiding artificial sweeteners and sugar).
Water is an absolute must for your oral health. Staying hydrated means your saliva production will be adequate and allow for the breakdown of particles in the mouth that are known to cause dental plaque build-up. Water with a meal is ideal.
Dry Mouth allows for bacteria to mount up giving bacteria a playground and causing tartar and bad breath but drinking water will counter this dental issue.
How to get those Healthy Foods into your Diet
Sometimes we just don’t like certain foods. With families there can be 3 or more mouths to feed and fussy eaters.
A great way to get small amounts of healthy raw foods and nutrients into your children is through a smoothie. Use frozen strawberries or mixed berries and bananas as natural sweeteners or pure, real organic maple syrup if you must, add a bunch of greens, a hint of celery, mint, parsley or other vegetables, some nut milk or dairy, blend and serve. If you start small you may be able to increase the quantities over time. Remember too that sometimes it’s all in the presentation and naming of the beverage.
Instead of crackers, use celery sticks and carrot sticks with some healthy hommus and other dips. You will find that if you put a fruit platter out without saying anything, it will be empty when you come back ½ hr later. Avoid keeping highly processed foods and junk food in the cupboard. If this is a problem for your household then wean off these items gradually and be mindful of supporting your oral health and that of your family.
Always providing a salad with a meal, using different recipes, is a great way to get more greens into your diet. It’s easy to find recipes these days with the internet so take advantage and search for recipes that look appealing and plan your menu in advance.
Holistic Dental Melbourne cbd recommends bi-annual dental check-ups to ensure your oral health is maintained in addition to a healthy diet. We are happy to answer any questions you have about food options to support your oral health. Make a time to see us by calling our friendly team on (03) 9662 2288.