As an experienced dentist in Melbourne, I’ve seen and treated a large number of clients needing restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Crowns are one of the types of options available to help improve your smile, chewing, speech and jaw function.
What is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown sits on top of an existing tooth like a cap or will enclose the tooth if needed. It helps to protect the tooth and improve the aesthetics of your smile. Crowns can be colour matched to your teeth to give a natural appearance. They are used to restore teeth.
The types of dental crowns have evolved over the years and there are various options. The material may be made of stainless steel, metal-free zirconia, porcelain or porcelain fused to metal, all-resin or all-ceramic.
Stainless Steel Crowns
=> Stainless steel crowns are often used with children’s first teeth, where there has been significant damage or decay, and usually in the rear of the mouth for aesthetic purposes.
The application of stainless steel crowns for adults is generally a temporary measure before the permanent crown is ready to be fitted.
They are favoured due to being long-lasting, inexpensive, and are a great temporary measure for first teeth that come out when the baby teeth fall out naturally.
There are not many negatives however, if you have a nickel allergy then this will not be an appropriate dental crown and it’s important you inform your dentist if this is the case. The tooth longevity will also be assessed during your appointment with our Dentist in Melbourne, in order to make the appropriate recommendation.
Metal-Free Zirconia Crowns
=> If you’re looking for a Dentist Melbourne CBD that provides metal-free zirconia as a preferred dental crown, then we are pleased to be of assistance.
Metal-free zirconia is made of a white powdered metal oxide (ceramic) called zirconium dioxide. Although it contains metal atoms it is not considered a metal.
These types of dental crowns are used by many dentists in Melbourne as they are great to use for front teeth, are known for being bio-compatible, highly durable and easy to bond. They also tend to last longer than other types of crowns.
There are almost no negative side effects of using metal-free zirconium crowns. Due to the strength of this material, it may cause friction against other teeth or the tooth root. Whether this is of major concern, it will be assessed during your consultation with our dentist, Melbourne CBD based.
Porcelain Crowns
=> Porcelain crowns are a type of ceramic crown that is considered bio-compatible and great for those who have allergies. These are a popular choice due to giving the appearance of a natural tooth. The cap can be coloured to match your existing teeth and are a great option especially for teeth that are visible when smiling.
There are not many negatives using all-porcelain, but because the tooth is made of porcelain, it can crack or chip if excessive force is applied. Any fracturing or damage may lead to decay beneath the crown.
Other things to note is that your natural tooth will need to be ground down for the crown to be applied and a ceramic tooth can grind down opposing teeth if you are prone to bruxism (tooth grinding).
Porcelain fused to Metal Crowns
=> PFM crowns are made of a metal interior with a porcelain exterior to still provide that natural tooth appearance. The metal interior may be made from titanium alloys, gold alloys or base metal alloys (nickel, chromium or cobalt). They are considered to be durable and affordable.
The main negative to using this type of dental crown is that some people have metal allergies. There have also been cases where the metal shows around the gum line, over time.
All-resin Crowns
=> All-resin crowns are considered to be one of the least expensive dental crowns and are a quick application. They are generally made from acrylic polymer and polymethyl methacrylate.
The negative of using all-resin is that they are softer than other crown materials and likely to wear. Thus, they may need to be replaced over time. Due to them wearing at a faster rate, they tend to be used for front teeth to increase longevity.
Dental crowns are attached by a specifically made dental cement or dental glue and the setting time is approximately 30 minutes.
All-ceramic crowns
=> All-ceramic crowns may be made up of a combination of ceramics which makes them slightly different to all-porcelain crowns which are purely porcelain ceramic. They are aesthetically appealing due to the ability to match the ceramic to the colour of your existing teeth. For those with allergies, an all-ceramic crown is ideal. They can be used for front and back tooth restoration however, opposite teeth and grinding will be considered before recommending this type of crown.
The negatives of all-ceramic crowns are that the process to ensure the tooth is custom made to suit, takes longer and the ceramic material needs to be thick to help prevent fractures. If damage does occur to an all-ceramic crown, it is harder to repair.
Recommendation from your local Dentist Melbourne CBD
Here at Holistic Dental Melbourne CBD, we prefer, where applicable, the porcelain Emax crowns due to their strength, ability to lay porcelain over the lithium disilicate glass and the distinct aesthetic appeal.
Our other preference is Metal-free Zirconium Crowns.
Is a Dental Crown Right for You?
Dental crowns are used in specific circumstances and the only way to know if they are right for you is to speak with our Dentist in Melbourne CBD. When we consult with you on your dental health, we can professionally assess and recommend a dental crown if appropriate.
You may need a crown if the following applies:
=> Substantial damage to a tooth where a filling is not possible
=> Where a large filling makes a tooth vulnerable to pulpitis.
=> Support a weak tooth
=> Support a fractured tooth
=> Cover a tooth that has had root canal treatment
=> Attach a bridge.
Should you have any further questions about dental crowns, please contact our dentist in Melbourne CBD or make an appointment for expert advice.