Like any other health crisis, emergencies involving your teeth usually happen unexpectedly. Knowing how to respond to this situation and whether you need to visit an emergency dentist in Melbourne CBD will help you use every minute to lessen the severity of your issue. Some situations will require a fast response to resolve them, while others may not require immediate dental intervention. We will outline what you need to know about dental emergencies below.
4 Situations That Require a Visit to the Emergency Dentist in Melbourne
There are several instances where you will want to go to an emergency dentist with a mouth or tooth injury. The most common ones include but are not limited to:
Broken Tooth
A mouth injury can result in a broken tooth. If this happens, you’ll want to look for tooth fragments. If you see any, collect them to take them with you to the dentist. Next, gently clean the area with warm water and put a cold cloth over the injury site. Finally, call us immediately to make an emergency appointment.
Loss of Permanent Tooth
If an injury results in you having a total loss of a permanent tooth, you’ll need to move fast. First, if possible, locate the tooth. Then, carefully touching only the tooth’s crown portion, place it back into the socket in your mouth. You may have to hold it in place as it won’t stay by itself. If you can’t put the tooth back into the socket, quickly put it into a cup of fresh milk to preserve it and call your emergency dentist in Melbourne’s CBD immediately.
Mouth Injury
General mouth injuries might require immediate intervention. If an impact on your face results in a jaw injury, you may be able to look and see a distorted jawline. Keep your face as still as you possibly can and get emergency assistance. If you happen to bite your lip, cheek or tongue and it’s still bleeding after 15 minutes, call a dentist or doctor and have a professional look at it as soon as you can.
A throbbing or painful toothache could indicate that you have an infection or abscess in your mouth. To clean it, rinse out your mouth with warm saltwater. If swelling is present, put a cold compress on your cheek. Then, call the dentist as soon as possible to set up an appointment.
Visit an Emergency Dentist in Melbourne
If you have an issue with your teeth that can’t wait, contact us. We’ll see you as quickly as we can to assess your injury or infection and set up an appropriate treatment plan.